My Mum’s Gateman Episode 20


Marie’s POV:

I had gotten into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I dialled Francis’ number and he picked up almost immediately.

We spoke for a while until a knock on the bedroom door forced me to get off the call to see who it was.

I carefully hid the phone in a tampon box and walked out of the bathroom after turning off the shower.

I opened the door to find my mum and some men standing at my door.

I felt like slamming the door on their faces but I kept my cool.

‘What do you want mum?’ I spat out angrily.

‘Take her!’ She said turning to the guys that were with her ignoring my question.

‘For your father’s sake, be a good wife’ she finally responded icily.

What is she talking about?

The men came forward and reached out to grab me.

I tried shutting the door and going back into the room but they quickly grabbed my arms roughly and pulled me out of the room as I screamed telling them to let go of me.

Before I knew what was happening, a bag was placed over my head.

I kept screaming and kicking but the guys were too strong as they kept dragging me along.

My mum has finally gone crazy.

This was the same thing she did to me when she wanted me to attend Harvard.

*Five Years Ago*

I had wanted to attend school in Nigeria but she insisted on sending me far away from my dad.

I remember going to bed that night, then I was suddenly woken up by people carrying me shoulder high outside into a waiting car outside.

I thought I was being kidnapped. They placed a napkin on my nose which sent me to sleep.

I finally woke up the next night in an apartment in Boston. She had hired people to ensure that I attended school.

I had no choice but to go to school and get good grades hoping she would be happy after that.

*Back to the present time*

I was finally taken outside and shoved into a car. I heard the doors close and the car drove off.

I was only wearing my pyjamas since I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere.

I had no idea where they were taking me to or how long we were on the road.

The car finally came to a halt and the doors opened. I was again roughly pulled out of the car and with the bag still over my face.

I heard the sound of a helicopter in the distance. This is not good at all.

Where are you taking me to? I yelled so they could hear me over the deafening sound caused by the helicopter’s rotor blades but no answer came as they kept dragging me violently along. I don’t think that they heard me but even if they did, I’m sure that they wouldn’t answer.

We got closer to the helicopter and they made me bend as they pushed me by the butt into the helo.

They sat beside me and in a minute, the helicopter took off.

In a short while, the helicopter landed and I was dragged out and again shoved into a waiting car which zoomed off immediately.

The car came to a halt and I was again dragged out. I hope this guys don’t pull off my arms from all this dragging around.

My feet hurt like hell as I was being dragged barefeet along what felt like tarmac.

We walked for a short while before we stopped and a door opened.

I knew we were inside a house as it felt warm and my barefeet froze as it touched the tiled floor.

The bag was finally taken off my head.

I quickly slapped him/her without even looking at the person.

‘Thats for laying your filthy hands on me you pig’ I yelled angrily as I saw that it was one of the idiots who grabbed me at my house.

‘And this is for touching my butt’ I blurted out angrily as I gave him another hot slap.

I raised my hand to slap him again when someone held my hand gently from behind.

‘Get out!’ He yelled and the idiot walked out with his head bowed in shame.

Wait!! That’s  a familiar voice! I turned around to see if he was really the one.

Shoot!!  Of course it was him!!!

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