How Long Can Cooked Beef Sit Out?
Cooked beef shouldn’t stay out of the fridge for too long. Here’s the rule:
– At Room Temperature (below 90°F or 32°C): Cooked beef is okay for up to 2 hours.
– At Higher Temperatures (above 90°F or 32°C): If it’s really hot, cooked beef should not sit out for more than 1 hour.
Why Can’t It Sit Out Longer?
Cooked beef goes bad because of tiny germs called bacteria. These germs love to grow when it’s warm, and they can make you sick. When beef sits out:
Bacteria Grow Fast: In just 20 minutes, the number of bacteria can double
– Danger Zone: Between 40°F and 140°F is the danger zone where bacteria grow the most.
What Happens If Beef Sits Out Too Long?
If beef is left out past these times, it has too many bacteria. Eating it could make you sick with food poisoning.
The Safe Way to Handle Cooked Beef:
– Eat or Fridge Fast: Eat your cooked beef soon or put it in the fridge within 2 hours.
– Keep It Hot: If you’re still eating, keep it hot (above 140°F) until you’re done².
– Throw Out Old Beef: If beef has been out too long, it’s safest to throw it away.Remember, when in doubt, it’s better to be safe and not eat beef that’s been out too long!
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