Couldn’t Pretend Episode 15

Fast forward to Saturday morning…

I was so nervous to the point that I felt like crying.

The slight headache I was feeling was partly from the drinks I had with Ama and Promise yesterday evening while my churning stomach was mainly caused by my uneasiness.

I put on cargo pants and a t-shirt followed by a minimal amount of makeup before holding it down with my favorite wig and I felt a little bit ready.

Honestly, I didn’t want to look like a villager in front of Alex’s twin brothers who I’m sure are going to be very fine boys just like him.

I finally dragged myself outside, locked my door and got into the bolt ride I had ordered which was already waiting outside the gate.

Since Alex had already credited my account yesterday for the day’s shopping, the ride dropped me at the market.

A little over an hour later, I was in a taxi heading to his house.

Based on code, the gateman helped get the things out of the car and carried them to the front door. Last week after I’d cooked, I had dished out his own share of the tantalizing okro soup which was also Alex’s favorite.

As I opened the front door, I expected to see Philomena cleaning the room but it was an entirely different face.

“Good morning ma.” She greeted as she looked up to see who is in the room with her.

“Morning. You’re not Philomena.” I stated matter of ‘factly’.

“No ma. I’m chiamaka. Philomena is cleaning the bedrooms upstairs.” She said calmly.

“Oh okay! You’re doing well.” I commended walking carefully to prevent my shoes from soiling the wet floor.

I dropped the shopping bag in the kitchen and found my way up the stairs looking for Alex as Chiamaka told me that they were on the penthouse.

I’ve been to Alex’s place for a number of times now and I’ve never gone upstairs before. Guess there’s a first time for everything.

I would’ve preferred calling him on the phone but that would have seemed rather rude.

“Alex!” I called feebly as I got to the last floor. Every door on this floor was shut. There was a room with double glass doors and I supposed it to be the penthouse living room.

I couldn’t see what was on the other side of the room as the doors were not transparent.

Holding the huge golden handle of the door, I paused briefly to calculate if I’m supposed to push or pull.

Finally deciding, I gave it a good push and the door gave way followed by male voices laughing and rap music playing at a low volume.

There was a work station in one corner of the room, a treadmill, a couple cream colored sofas, some artworks on the wall, large volume books, awards and certificates on a shelf, a huge flat screen tv, a home theater system and one of the walls made entirely of glass from where you could see what was happening out there.

I popped my head in to see what was going on inside. There was Alex and two other guys who I’m sure are his twin brothers as their backs were turned to the door.

They were playing snooker this early morning. Boys will be boys!

It was Alex who noticed me first as he was the only one facing the direction of the door.

“Good morning boys.” I greeted masking the nervousness with some amount of sass.

Everyone went quiet as all eyes were now on me. I was right! The two guys were his twin brothers. Same face, different hair colors. They were as tall as LeBron and they had beards just like their big brother. And dang! These boys were mighty fine too!

“Hey baby! C’mon over here.” Alex called extending his hand for me to take the hint.

With slow and steady steps, I walked over to his side and he pulled me close wrapping his left arm round my waist.

It was totally surreal and I felt weak in the knees as his strong muscular arm was secured on my waist line caressing it gently.

“Hey suckas, I’d like you to meet my girlfriend Folake Deji and baby, meet my brothers Adekunle with the gold hair and Adebayo with the black hair.” Alex introduced and I shook hands with the both of them.

“Nice to finally meet you guys. He talks a lot about you two.”

“No kizzin! Big bro is a real hype man.” It was Kunle who spoke with a smooth American accent.

“And he’s also told us a ton about you.” Bayo added which made me look at Alex who was grinning like a proud father.

“Wow! But it’s like I’ve seen you two somewhere before.” I commented as they both looked really familiar.

“That’d be on TikTok.” Alex said without letting go of my waist for a second.

“Yeah we’re big boys on the streets of TikTok.” Bayo said with an adorable side smile showing off his dimple. Awwwn so cute!

“The Ade’s” Kunle added and I couldn’t believe my ears.

“What! You don’t mean it. I watch almost every dance video and every skit. Are you kidding me?” I said in a bit of a yell as we got talking and my nervousness was instantly banished from me.

After catching up and getting to know them better, I finally returned downstairs to do some cooking.

“Where can I get something like a hammer to break coconut?” I asked the moment Alex walked into the kitchen.

“Lemme get it.” He said and dashed out of the kitchen only to return with a mallet.

He took the coconuts out by the backdoor and broke them before returning back inside.

We removed the shells and reduced them to tiny pieces before blending.

“How come you never mentioned that your brothers are American TikTokers? Like real time superstars?” I asked as Alex was busy eating a piece of coconut and bread.

“I didn’t wanna overwhelm you with too many details.” He said with a lazy and sexy eye roll.

“And I think my brothers are about to steal you away from me.” He continued and then winked at me. My heart skipped a beat, then two, and I had to look away quickly to hide the grin that was creeping up on my face.

My mind flashed back to earlier when he held my waist and the shivers that went through my entire body revived. Woo! I admit that I’m totally into him. My people, I think I’m in love with this yeye Alex. Oh my goodness!

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